Vikram Mavalankar

Experiences Must Be Immersive. Period. Sketching Up A ‘Smart’, Connected Future Built On Creativity. Also a Photographer, Adventure Enthusiast, Traveler, part-time Chef

Why Facebook Bought WhatsApp?

Keeping it simple, my ‘Top 3’ thoughts:

1) Active User base = The Big Bucks $$$$

Bottom line: For a Social Network, ‘em Active users matter!

An estimated 450 million people use WhatsApp each month, with 70 percent of those using it on any given day. That’s almost matching Facebook’s active user base ratio. For Facebook, it’s prime real estate. You do the math.

2) Innovation through acquisition?

Whatever happened to FB Messenger and Home (remember)? But then again, why re-invent the wheel?

3) Instagram acquisition trend to continue..

We have seen this acquisition trend before with YouTube, Instagram and now WhatsApp. This will continue, and hopefully drive rapid innovation in technology. Dissecting this strategically, here’s my take:

  • Get your app (or game) to go viral - How? Solve a simple real-life problem with an even simpler user experience. (Easier written) Okay, so we...

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